
Medications: it’s not just tablets

Being told by your veterinary surgeon that your pets needs to have daily medication can be stressful. We understand that some pets are just really difficult to medicate for a number of reasons.

Having to medicate your pet daily can also affect the owner-pet bond especially if either or both of you that finds the experience difficult or stressful.

Veterinary medicine is constantly evolving, and a newer form of medication is becoming more available: the transdermal medication.

Transdermal medications work by being applied directly onto the skin, typically the inside of the ear flap. They then get absorbed through the skin and can then take their desired effect.

As these medications work across the skin barrier we must always wear gloves when administering transdermal treatments.

This can be a much easier method of medicating your pet than having to give tablets, powders or liquids that some pets just will not readily take.

It can also help reduce the stress for your pet, as contact during medication is more minimal, and also for yourself as you will have a much more compliant pet to treat every day.

Compounding pharmacies in the USA are constantly working towards new transdermal medications, and eventually these will filter to the UK too.

It is always worth talking to our team about your pet’s medication plan, and if there are any difficulties we will always look to see if there is an easier alternative for you and your pet. Our vets and district nurse will always consider you and your pet in all of our care plans.

If your pets is on daily medication we want to help support you to be able to continue caring for your loved one.

To talk to the Dignipets team about palliative and hospice care please contact us on 0333 3208731.

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