Why choose Dignipets for your pet’s euthanasia at home?
Making the decision to let a beloved pet go can be incredibly hard. We are here to support you every step of the way. When the shift from curing to caring starts; we listen and ask the right questions to be able to support you and your pet as best as we can.
Our hospice vet team is dedicated to offering gentle home euthanasia and hospice consultations. All our vets have time, we never rush you, and you can ask as many questions as you want. We always give a mixture of a sedative and pain relief to your pet first and allow you time to hold them while they gently fall asleep.
Our vets are experienced in end-of-life care and are members of the IAAHPC. We offer one to one support for you to make choices regarding when it is time to say goodbye ensuring your pet’s last moments are at home with you in a calm environment. Afterwards we can help with your pet’s aftercare and provide ongoing support to you and your loved ones. Whenever possible we work closely with your family vet.
Please talk to us on 0333 320 8731
If you prefer not to talk over the phone you can email us on reception@dignipets.co.uk. We can also recommend our FAQ where we have a collection of answers to many questions.
Do you worry about your pets’ end of life because they have nervousness, stress and fear or even show aggression?
Please read our blog ‘How to plan end of life care for a nervous or aggressive pet?‘
We understand it can be difficult to trust someone with the last moments of your pet’s life. To help feel reassured you may want to read reviews from other pet owners who have been through this already with their pets.